I've been feeling under the weather last couple of days, which explains my going into hibernation and drowning myself in Joni Mitchell, emancipator and Justin Nozuka?? FTW? Now that I'm finally exposing my lifeless face to daylight, the gods decide to welcome me with thunder and rain. Oh and I have to do a 3 hour walking tour, and get filmed doing a night market tour for the Hias website tonight. If you go online and coil back in horror at a ragged face with bloodshot eyes jabbing a deep-fried scorpion in your face, trust me I've had better days.
The farthest I've gone since Sunday was to the front door this morning to pay the delivery guy for my opera ticket. Yea! I'm seeing Rigoletto on Saturday with my lovely Megzican, who is actually on a transatlantic flight right now over from Toronto! She comes bearing gifts of 1 unit of Diva Cup (if u don't know, now u know), 1 package Twix ( I need my fix!), and 1 jar Dulce de Leche (which I need to finish before I leave Beijing next Thursday).
O yea, I leave Beijing next Thursday??? This is way too effing weird. I still don't feel like I got my fix of this city. Now I still have a final exam looming in the near distance and I hate that it's distracting me from enjoying my last days in the city.
This is what I feel like today. A bit of sugar and some spice.

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