2. Beijing in springtime is a vision in blossoms. Every street is spotted with the beautiful trees. Even the most haggardly barren branches of winter have turned a new leaf and sway in the wind with milky white petals. I want one in my room.
3. I wish I had known earlier you could perm the roots of your hair and create a lift-effect so that you never have to tease and blowdry for volme again. Only in China can you do this for under 20 dollars.
4. I love The Zombies. Colin Blunstone was the shiz in their prime. Can't say his face or vocals have aged well with time. Let me just preserve you in the golden era of Oddyssey and Oracle...
What's your name...Who's your daddy?
5. I got a job, as a special assistant to the executive director of a 5 star hotel in Beijing. Not sure exactly what I'm doing yet, and if you wonder how I got this job its all about the 'guanxi'. Hollllaaaaaa.
6. So I was on a golden age of rock n' roll youtube binge when I came across this old Del Shannon song, and it reminded me of the time in my life I was doing exciting things in music and have missed that so much since. My boyfriend at the time was a skinny emo skater who introduced me to gems like Runaway and White Rabbit, and we even formed a band covering the Jefferson Airplanes and White Stripes. I may or may not have posters from our first promos kickin around.I was singing scat solos in a jazz choir, playing drums for a band, practicing Chopin nocturnes four hours a day, and feeling energetic. I want that feeling back.
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