So I may go to Chengdu sooner than I thought. Another client- incidentally also in the fashion industry- is requesting a Sichuan food tour as he is in town for the next couple days. So I may be leaving tonight rather than Saturday morning for the LVMH tea ceremony.
You may have noticed that I sorta stopped working at the hotel. That kind of got old fast. Oops.
My new project now is figuring out what I'm doing in the summer. School is about to end here, and as much as I love Beijing and could probably stay helping out with Hias Gourmet, I keep reminding myself I have 2 months before REAL LIFE starts. Life as corporate brand manager is not often conducive to South East Asian beach holidays with good friends. Reading my Lonely Planet is only making me long for the food and locales of the south east. Right now I have the option of traveling for the month of July, hitting the Full Moon party in Thailand on July 9th (any takers out there?), and either continuing to backpack in August or settle down in a sleepy town somewhere and working in a restaurant, sleeping on hammocks, reading books and sipping coconut juice. Doesn't sound too awful.
Alright I'm off to lead a Hutong lunch tour, mmm food coma commences!