
i die a million times

So, UHM.

Adlyn asked me to act as translator for a corporate client from Hong Kong bringing some executives over to Chengdu next weekend for a company retreat. She said the retreat is at a baijiu distillery and the execs also want to experience a traditional tea ceremony, for which they needed an English translator. I don't think I've ever gotten more excited about tea, or loved Adlyn as much as I do in this moment. Chengdu twice in on month??? How does this stuff happen to me??

And then she went and one-upped her original offer. I just found out who the client is.

LVfothermuckingMH. As in the M to the H that pops and bubbles and makes people sparkle the world over. As in the L to the V that owns majority stake in said BAIJIU distillery. Gawd I told you baijiu is the new kettle one. Always ahead of the curve watch out!

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